Uniform Policy

All students are required to wear uniforms.
Bottoms: Navy blue, black, or khaki pants, skirt, jumper, or shorts.
Tops:  Yellow or navy blue blouse or collared shirt.

The following specific rules must be followed by ALL students:

1.  All tops, shirts or blouses must extend to the waistline. Halter, tank tops, tie-strings or see-through tops are not permitted.
2.  Pants should be worn at the waist and no undergarments should be visible.
3.  Shoes must be worn at all times. Sneakers are mandatory for P.E. days.
4.  For safety reason, student may not wear flip-flops, high heels, or any other open type of shoe.
5.  Clothing or jewelry with suggestive remarks or symbols are not permitted.
6. Hats, hoops, caps, bandanas, or sweatbands may not be worn in the building.
7.  Students are not to exchange or let other students wear their hats or clothing.
8.  Students are not to take jewelry or other items off to use as toys or exchange with other students.

Students who do not have their school uniform will be required to borrow one from the main office. Families who have difficulty purchasing the school uniform should see the counselor for assistance. Students who persistently fail to comply with the uniform policy will be subject to loss of privileges, including: class trips, graduation ceremonies, assembly programs, loss of recess and other special and extra curricular activities.

Dress Down Days: 

Some Dress Down Days are free and in celebration of a holiday.
Some Dress Down Days are $1 to help fund Student Activities.
Please see monthly calendar for exact dates!